We are delighted that Highgate biology teacher, Ms Jenny Chapman, has been shortlisted for London’s School Changemaker of the Year for Global Action Plan’s Sustainable City Awards 2022!
Ms Chapman’s nomination is for her involvement and leadership of the London Schools Eco Network (LSEN): a vibrant and expanding group of students and staff from across the city who are passionate about sustainability, education and the intersection of the two.
The LSEN is a group of students and staff who meet fortnightly to discuss environmental and educational issues, organise and deliver campaigns and share what has worked well in member schools. These meetings are student-led, giving young people ownership of the LSEN whilst allowing them to develop life skills. The campaigns they organise ripple into partnership schools, reaching tens of thousands of students, staff and parents.
Recent projects include the Sustainable Santa campaign which was developed during LSEN meetings and adopted across the network, providing form time activities, newsletter articles and social media posts. Highgate’s own home-grown campaign Fast Fashion Free February was embraced by the LSEN, encouraging pupils across London and beyond to make more sustainable fashion choices.
Ms Chapman, who is a valued member of Highgate’s own environmental efforts, said: “The LSEN is such a brilliant example of collective action and the impact we can have when we work together in such numbers and with such diversity. There is a wonderfully collaborative atmosphere in the LSEN – we all share ideas, offer tips and work together on projects. I very much believe that schools are at the centre of communities – changes made in educational establishments have immeasurable ripple effects in the local area. Additionally, the LSEN is a space in a rapidly heating world where likeminded students and staff can feel less alone in their activism. I’m so proud of the LSEN and its achievements and I’m thrilled to have been shortlisted.”
Sustainable City Awards are coordinated by the environmental charity Global Action Plan. They are an opportunity to celebrate ‘Changemakers’ – individuals and organisations creating change to help Londoners from all backgrounds live and work in ways that are good for the health of people and the planet. The Awards take place on Wednesday 11 May 2022.
Updated 11 May – Ms Chapman was highly commended in the London’s School Changemaker of the Year category, congratulations!