Earlier this term we hosted a Grandparents’ and Special Person’s Day at the Pre-Prep. We had a morning and afternoon session when grandparents, special people and even great-grandparents came to visit our classrooms! Each session started with an assembly where children shared some work they had completed in preparation for this event. For example, Reception had painted watercolour paintings of a grandparent or special person, Year 1 shared some creative writing of what they would do with their grandparent if they had a magic wand and Year 2 shared the class acrostic and kenning poems they had written.
Our special guests then got to spend time in class. The children enthusiastically showed them around the classrooms and shared a variety of activities. For example, in Nursery they sang some classic nursery rhymes and looked through their Special Books, in Reception they got to experience some ‘Busy Fingers’ (fine motor skills) and coin work, in Year 1 they helped to create family trees and in Year 2, the children got to interview their grandparents/special people and ask them questions about their own school experiences. The visitors were fascinated to see how classrooms have changed since their school days and many particularly liked seeing the range of learning resources and our interactive whiteboards. It was lovely to see so many grandparents, great-grandparents and special visitors at the Pre-Prep. We hope they enjoyed the visit as much as we enjoyed welcoming them! SLF